This compilation of material was first announced by Terence Charlston in his article on the Theewes claviorgan (1579) in RCO Journal 3 (New Series), 2009, pp. 24–41. The Journal is free of charge to RCO Members.
The Journal article examines the Theewes claviorgan in detail, and also explores how an instrument of this type might inform our view of the solo repertoire of the time and change our understanding of keyboard instruments in ensemble performance.
The other material here is meant to complement the article, and comprises an inventory of surviving claviorgans and a series of short recordings of the Goetze & Gwynn reconstruction of the Theewes’s organ part combined with a Flemish-style harpsichord by David Evans.
The extracts on the sound files are played by Terence Charlston and Erik Dippenaar. An index (‘Theewes sound files’) is provided to assist listening to the sound recordings. Some extracts from the scores used in the sound recordings are to be found in the Journal article.
There are 4 sections to the material :
- Article from RCO Journal 3 (2009)
- Claviorgan checklist (October 2009)
- Sound Files – Index
- Sound Files (59 files spread over three folders).
The article, checklist and index are provided as a .pdf file and two .xls files respectively, while the sound files are available to download as .wav files contained in three large (78mb+) zip folders.
This content is available free of charge to College members.
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