RCO Journal Volume 1 (New Series), 2007

The Journal of the Royal College of Organists is the College’s annual research publication, and Volume 1 (New Series), 2007 can be downloaded below.

Individual articles will shortly be available to download within iRCO. The RCO Journal is free to College members.

Contents of Volume 1 (New Series), 2007:

Beyond the printed edition: introducing a new website resource for performers of Buxtehude’s organ music
Geoffrey Webber

Can editions of Bach or Scarlatti be entirely trusted?
Peter Williams

Emerging from the organ loft: concertante music for organ from Handel to Russell
Robin Langley

John Stainer and the organ
Jeremy Dibble

'Making mountains out of molehills’: performing British choral music
Paul Spicer

‘Stops Away!’—A Manchester Tale
Daniel Moult

RCO article commissions 1993-2005



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