RCO Journal Volume 3, 2009

The Journal of the Royal College of Organists is the College’s annual research publication, and Volume 3, 2009 can be downloaded below.

Individual articles will shortly be available to download within iRCO. The RCO Journal is free to College members.

Contents of Volume 3, 2009:

Tudor organ versets: echoes of an improvised tradition
Jane Flynn
An instrument in search of its repertoire? The Theewes claviorgan and its use in the performance of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century keyboard music
Terence Charlston
A reliable man: Herbert Murrill (1909–52)
Relf Clark
Mendelssohn’s playing: playing Mendelssohn. A performer’s remarks on preparing the organ scores
Johannes Geffert
Edward John Hopkins: an organist and choirmaster re-examined (I)
Peter Horton


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