An A-Z of the Organ : R is for RCO
Sir Andrew Parmley, Chief Executive of the RCO, describes how Richard Limpus’ vision in 1860 of a college to raise the professional standing of the organist has been fulfilled today, in ways that he never could have imagined.
An A-Z of the Organ : O is for Ornamentation
John Scott Whiteley discusses the playing of ornaments in Bach, with a performance of Erbarm dich mein, O Herr Gott, BWV 721, on the organ of the Wenzelskirche, Naumburg.
An A-Z of the Organ : P is for Pistons
What are organ pistons for? Anne Marsden Thomas explains their operation, how to set them up, and how a memory system and stepper can be used on a modern organ.
An A-Z of the Organ : NPOR
RCO Director Andrew Macintosh gives a guided tour of the National Pipe Organ Register (NPOR), an online database of over 36,000 pipe organs in the UK.
An A-Z of the Organ : Messiaen
Anne Page gives an introduction to Messiaen’s musical language and religious beliefs, illustrated with excerpts from a live performance.
An A-Z of the Organ : Live Looping
Pam Hulme introduces live looping as part of the organists’ toolkit, in a film recorded on the organ of the Pfingstkirche, Berlin.
An A-Z of the Organ : Keyboard Skills
Andrew Cantrill-Fenwick introduces the keyboard skills which are elements of the RCO’s practical examinations – transposition, sight reading, score reading, harmonisation, and figured bass.
An A-Z of the Organ : Jackson
Graham Barber performs and discusses the organ music of organist and composer Francis Jackson, born in 1917.
An A-Z of the Organ : i-Resources
RCO Director Andrew Macintosh explores the resources that are available online for organists and choral directors, on the RCO’s virtual campus, iRCO.