Conferment of Diplomas 2015 | watch in full or highlights
The Conferment of Diplomas is the public centrepiece of the Royal College of Organists’ year. In 2015 it was held in Southwark Cathedral, London, and you can watch a video of the proceedings here.
Conferment of Diplomas 2013 | report
The Conferment of Diplomas is the public centrepiece of the Royal College of Organists’ year. In 2013 it was held in Southwark Cathedral, London.
Conferment of Diplomas 2014 | report
The Conferment of Diplomas is the public centrepiece of the Royal College of Organists’ year. In 2014 it was held in Southwark Cathedral, London.
The RCO Library: its history and development
The College’s library is as old as the College. From modest beginnings it has grown over the years into a library of great distinction, whose comprehensive specialist holdings of organ and choral music and books are known across the world.
The profession of organist in the mid-nineteenth century
In this article Rosemary Golding examines the professional status and remuneration of the organist in the run-up to the foundation of the College of Organists in 1864, by examining contemporary advertisements and correspondence in The Musical Times and similar publications. It originally appeared in The RCO Journal in 2014. RCO Journal 2014_Golding
The formation of the College of Organists
In this article from the RCO Journal from 2014, Andrew McCrea describes the foundation of the College of Organists in 1864 (the Royal Charter came later) and looks at the characters and preoccupations of the founding fathers. His sources include the earliest minute books of the College, which have survived in the archives, and have […]
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