Stanford’s Six Short Preludes and Postludes, with Andrew McCrea
Andrew McCrea discusses how to approach the organ repertoire question of the CRCO written paper with particular reference to Stanford’s Six Short Preludes and Postludes, Op.101 and Op.105, the set repertoire for July 2022–January 2023.
French Organ Music 1920-2000 with Robert Sholl
A recorded talk by Robert Sholl, with downloads, designed to help candidates the history of organ music written papers at FRCO, but also useful to others interested in French organ music from 1920-2000.
‘In a place of honour’: organ culture in Revolutionary France – a film by Andrew Cantrill-Fenwick
Andrew Cantrill-Fenwick demonstrates how the organ and organ music developed in post-Revolutionary France, on the organ of Hexham Abbey.
Teach the Organ Series : Structuring Lessons and Lesson Repertoire
The Teach the Organ series of films continues with a discussion of how to structure an organ lesson, and how to choose suitable repertoire for elementary students.
An introduction to the organ music of England 1730-1830 with Margaret Phillips
A presentation by Margaret Phillips, with Andrew McCrea, on English organ music from 1730-1830.
An introduction to the organ music of Judith Bingham with Tom Winpenny
Tom Winpenny discusses the organ works of Judith Bingham, set for the FRCO examination written papers for 2021-2022.
Celebrity Recital by Martin Schmeding—German Organ Music 1870–1940
An online recital by Martin Schmeding of German organ music 1870-1940, on the Ladegast-Sauer-Eule organ of the Nikolaikirche, Leipzig.
An Introduction to German Organ Music 1870–1940, by Martin Schmeding
A presentation by Martin Schmeding on German Organ Music 1870-1940, the set period for the FRCO History of Organ Music paper for the examinations 2021-2022.
The Learning During Lockdown series
A full listing, with links, of the Learning during Lockdown series, which ran as a series of 16 bulletins throughout 2020.