ARCO Bach Chorale webinars with Frederick Stocken

As the COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancelling of almost all of the RCO's face-to-face classes in the Spring of 2020, a series of live webinars, covering questions from the written papers for RCO Diploma examinations, were set up to maintain teaching online.  The second set of webinars covered the Bach Chorale question of the ARCO examination written paper, which asks for an alto, tenor and bass part to be added to a given chorale melody, in the style of J S Bach.  Below are recordings to watch of the three webinars in this series. (Note that these are unedited recordings of a live event.)

In the first Frederick Stocken looks at the family of keys, cadences and approach chords.  The second webinar covers progressions, and mid-phrase formulas.  The final webinar discusses more advanced chords and progressions.

The classes provides essential tuition for those entered for the ARCO examination in the near future, as well as being of general interest to students of harmony at this level.   (For students beginning their study of Bach chorale harmonisation, there is a previous set of webinars which form an introduction to the subject, covering the requirements for the CRCO Diploma.  Find them here: CRCO Bach Chorale webinars with Frederick Stocken.)



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