The Choral Directing Diploma repertoire on Spotify
Part of the examination for the RCO Choral Directing Diploma is to rehearse a choice of choral pieces from a set list.
This Spotify playlist is a personal selection of performances of this repertoire, made by the iRCO Editor.
Practising & performing ARCO keyboard skills
Simon Williams provides guidance in this download on how to practice the ARCO keyboard skills, which include transposition, score reading, and harmonisation at sight, as well as improvisation, figured bass and sight-reading tests. He suggests useful material – music and books – to help take your studies further. Hints on practising & performing ARCO keyboard […]
Hymn playing for organists
Playing hymns is an essential part of the musical lives of most organists, and in this download Ian Curror considers the practical skills required. It is primarily designed for candidates who are preparing for CRCO, but it is hoped that it may prove valuable to others too. Hymn playing for organists
Hymn transposition
Most advanced organists need to transpose at sight, whether it is accompanying soloists, changing the keys of hymns to fit a prelude or postlude, or when improvising on a given theme. Hymn transposition is part of the keyboard skills tests for both CertRCO and ARCO diplomas. The typical student approaches transposition with great fear, as […]