Organs, liturgy, and spaces at Lincoln Cathedral before 1702
Magnus Williamson recounts the archival and archeological detective work that has taken place at Lincoln Cathedral, in conjunction with the Byrd quatercentenary. By bringing the building in line with post-Restoration practice in 1702, the Dean and Chapter also ended a spatial arrangement which had once generated the rich pre-Reformation tradtions of organs and voices in ‘alternatim’. The characteristics of the building, and their musical implications, are probed in detail.
Write a new hymn tune – a competition from Organists’ Review magazine
Do you know of some good, under-used words from Christian hymnody that need new music? Organists’ Review magazine, with the IAO, have launched a competition for a newly-composed hymn tune.
‘But the music’s the thing’ – music and musicians at the Coronation of King Charles
The Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey on 6 May combined music from 350 years of church and royal tradition with many new commissions, all personally selected by The King.
Hymns: your practical harmony and improvisation workbook
Jeremiah Stephenson shares ideas on how to practise improvisation and develop the keyboard harmony reflexes to improvise on hymn tunes.
The Catholic Musician: accompanying responsorial psalms, hymns and worship songs
David Pipe explores the musical styles which are part of the weekly repertoire of Catholic church musicians, with advice on accompanying responsorial psalms, hymns, and worship songs.
From gallery singers to chancel choristers: a case study of Halifax Parish Church, 1868–1882
David Baker describes how music at Halifax Parish Church had been in decline until twenty-seven-year-old John Varley Roberts was appointed in late 1868, and transformed the choir at Halifax from a small, mixed group of voices up in the west gallery with an outmoded organ to a choral establishment of some seventy robed male singers in the chancel, accompanied by a four-manual instrument.
Accompanying Plainchant with William Dore
In this practical guide William Dore, Organist at Ampleforth Abbey, explains the characteristics and traditions of plainchant or plainsong. He discusses notation, and how to create an accompaniment to plainchant, including ideas on rhythm, suitable harmonic progressions, and cadences in keeping with the modality and mood.
Accompanying Anglican Chant with Jeffrey Makinson
The psalms set to Anglican chant are an art form in themselves, and an excellent test of the organist’s skills as accompanist. Jeffrey Makinson, Assistant Director of Music at Lincoln Cathedral, explains how to read pointing, memorise chant, and plan registration schemes.
Teach the Organ Series : Teaching Church Organists
Films 9 and 10 in the Teach the Organ series curated by Anne Marsden Thomas, on teaching the specific skills required by the church organist.