Learning during lockdown: 3 working on improvisation

This week’s Learning during Lockdown focusses on improvisation, a skill all organists are encouraged to acquire, and which is expected, at some level, in most organ examinations.   Here on iRCO you can find films demonstrating improvisation skills for organists at every stage, from total beginner to FRCO. 

Learning during lockdown: 2 teaching online

Maintaining a livelihood during the Covid-19 pandemic is a serious matter, particularly for freelance musicians, and many are looking at the possibilities of going online, either to maintain an existing teaching portfolio, or to start teaching for the first time.  iRCO has resources for all organ teachers, and advice from a teacher experienced in teaching the organ online.

Learning during lockdown: 1 exploring playing styles

The increasing severity of the Covid-19 lockdown means that organists are not just faced with a sudden loss of work, but also restricted or no access to their instrument.  To fill this enforced downtime, the RCO is making their online virtual campus iRCO available to all organists, so that learning, at least, can continue. Here on StopPress we are collating this material into themed packages to help improve different aspects of your playing.

All this extra practice time….

As Covid-19 shuts down concert halls, schools and churches, RCO colleagues suggest ways in which the spare time created in musicians’ lives can be used constructively, with suggestions for practice timetables, repertoire, and building new skills for the future.

In memory of W T Best: The Musicians’ Company Award for Organists

Over sixty years ago, the Musicians’ Company, one of the historic livery companies of the City of London, inaugurated a scholarship in memory of the great Victorian concert organist, W T Best. This year the award has been renamed The Musicians’ Company Award for Organists, and candidates between the ages of 18 and 26 are invited to apply: the deadline for this is the end of February 2020.