Teach the Organ Series – Film Summary
RCO Accredited Teacher, Anne Marsden Thomas, has curated a major new series of films for everyone involved in organ teaching. A summary of the series with links to all the films can be found here.
Teach the Organ Series : Teaching Students How to Practise
The series of films in the Teach the Organ series continues, discussing how to develop practice techniques for students, and the importance of accurate learning.
Learning during lockdown : 4 practice techniques
Practice techniques, for organists at all levels, are explored in this week’s Learning during Lockdown, including exercises at the piano for those unable to access an organ. We also look at the nature of virtuoso playing, from practical exercises to inspirational recordings and films.
All this extra practice time….
As Covid-19 shuts down concert halls, schools and churches, RCO colleagues suggest ways in which the spare time created in musicians’ lives can be used constructively, with suggestions for practice timetables, repertoire, and building new skills for the future.
Practise in Art Deco splendour, courtesy of the United Grand Lodge of England
Even in a big city like London, it can be difficult to find organ practice facilities. The United Grand Lodge of England have recently restored and enlarged the 1933 Henry Willis organ in the Grand Temple at Freemasons’ Hall, and also installed a new three-manual and pedal Viscount Classic digital organ one of their meeting rooms there. They are generously offering practice time on these organs free of charge to RCO Members.
Performance Strategies 3: Alexander Technique, with Judith Kleinman
In this short video Judith Kleinman outlines the principles of Alexander Technique for musicians, and in particular organists.
Performance Strategies 2: Visualisation with Daniel Moult
Mental Skills Training (MST) is now taught as a matter of routine in conservatoires and music colleges, but it can help musicians at all levels increase learning speed, combat performance anxiety, and realise their full potential. Daniel Moult introduces visualisation which as part of practice technique.
Performance Strategies 1: Practice, with Anne Page
Anne Page demonstrates methods that pianists use to learn fast passages of music with accuracy, which could be a helpful addition to your own practice techniques.
The Virtuoso Organist: masterworks of the 19th and 20th centuries
Andrew Forbes discusses the nature of virtuosity, and how to overcome the frustrations of mastering a piece which is on the edge of your own current capabilities.