Lost Legacy – The Organs London Lost in the Blitz
In just six nights of bombing during the Second World War, the City of London lost 26 organs. Seventy years later, David S. Knight surveyed what was lost, and charted the heroic efforts to bring music back to shattered churches.
The Claviorgan | Resource Compilation
This compilation of material begins with an article by Terence Charlston examining the Theewes claviorgan in detail, and how an instrument of this type might inform our view of the solo repertoire of the time and change our understanding of keyboard instruments in ensemble performance.
It also includes an inventory of surviving claviorgans and a series of short recordings of the Goetze & Gwynn reconstruction of the Theewes’s organ part combined with a Flemish-style harpsichord by David Evans.
More light on Harold Darke – an October celebration
One hundred years ago, Harold Darke (1888-1976) began his fifty-year stint as Director of Music at St. Michael’s Cornhill, in the City of London. The church is celebrating this event all through October, and James McVinnie will open with an all-Bach recital in tribute to Darke on Monday 3rd October.
Philip Moore’s Requiem – world premiere and national broadcast in November
Philip Moore’s new Requiem will be given its world premiere on Friday 18 November 2016 at 2pm at St Paul’s Church, Knightsbridge in a concert to be given by the BBC Singers, conducted by David Hill. The concert will also be broadcast on BBC Radio 3.
Dedicated to the memory of his Mother and Father, Philip Moore’s Requiem is written for soprano solo, mixed voices and organ.
Awards & Bursaries | Funding Your Studies
The RCO offers a range of scholarships and awards which can provide students with financial help towards the cost of tuition, sheet music/music books, and other expenses. We can also help signpost students to other sources of funding.
Organists in Business: Professional & Business Skills
This is the first in a series of four video sets covering the professional, business & career skills required by any organist looking to start, build or change their career.
This Professional & Business video sequence contains presentations on: career options & relevant business skills; contracts, rates & legal issues; juggling a portfolio career; and using technology.
Organists in Business: Career Options (Examining & Publishing)
This is the last in a series of four video sets covering the professional, business & career skills required to any organist looking to start, build or change their career.
This Career Options (Examinations & Publishing) sequence contains presentations on: examining with the ABRSM; and careers in music publishing.
Organists in Business: Career Options (Performing & Conducting)
This is the third in a series of four video sets covering the professional, business & career skills required to any organist looking to start, build or change their career.
This Organists in Business: Career Options (Performing & Conducting) video sequence contains presentations on: working with choirs & orchestras; working in cathedrals; and choral conducting.
Organists in Business: presentations now available
The Organists in Business conference was organised in Summer 2016, with more than a dozen musicians at the top of their respective professions giving detailed guidance to an audience of organists looking to start, build, or change their careers.
Selected presentations from the day are now available on iRCO.