Remarks on Jehan Alain’s organ music – the Barenreiter edition
Stephen Farr discusses Helga Schauerte-Maubouet’s edition of Jehan Alain’s organ works for Barenreiter, and asks to what extent it represents an advance on previous published versions of the scores, and whether it resolves the fundamental problems of the source material for Alain’s music. RCO Journal 2012_Farr
Why a new Vierne edition?
For many decades interpreters of Vierne’s organ music have had little choice other than to play from scores which have been quite difficult to read; differentiating between sharps and naturals has often been a problem, for example. Publishers have frequently resorted to photocopying old printed editions for a new print run, with an inevitable loss […]
Quelques regards sur Olivier Messiaen
Dame Gillian Weir, in conversation with Andrew McCrea, reflects on Messiaen and the performance of his organ music. This discussion originally appeared as an article in the RCO Journal of 2008. RCO Journal 2008_Weir