RCO News June 2023
The College’s bi-annual magazine for members contains features, details of forthcoming events and courses, and general news and views from the RCO.
International celebrations on International Organ Day 2023
Organists around the world celebrated International Organ Day 2023 with events, classes and demonstrations, posting films and pictures on social media throughout the day. We report on all the activities, culminating in the broadcast of The Organ Show-Live! on our YouTube channel.
Conferment of Diplomas 2023 | watch in full or highlights
Watch the College’s 2023 Conferment of Diplomas Ceremony here, in full, or as edited highlights, and download the programme, along with the full texts of the speeches and citations.
In pictures: Conferment 2023 at Southwark Cathedral
A gallery of pictures from the College’s annual Conferment Ceremony at Southwark Cathedral on Saturday 4 March, at which RCO President David Hill presented successful examination candidates with their awards and diplomas, and presented four RCO Medals.
An organ masterclass from Masaaki Suzuki as he receives the RCO Medal
The RCO was delighted to present Professor Suzuki Masaaki with the RCO Medal at a masterclass for Royal Academy of Music organ students in London this January.
RCO News archive from April 2007
Copies of the College’s magazine for members from April 2007 to January 2020 can be downloaded here as pdfs.
RCO News January 2023
The College’s bi-annual magazine for members contains features, details of forthcoming events and courses, and general news and views from the RCO.
Music for a Queen
The public were quick to show their appreciation of all the music that underpinned the services marking the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We look at the contributions made in particular by organists, choral directors and composers, including those associated with the RCO from its earliest days.
Remembering Her Majesty The Queen, Patron of the Royal College of Organists
The Royal College of Organists mourns the passing of its patron Her Majesty The Queen, and remembers in particular her presence at the College’s 150th Anniversary celebrations.