RCO students explore the Cavaille-Coll organs of Paris
This year’s RCO study trip was focused around organ music of the French Romantic period, in particular the music of Jean Langlais and Oliver Messiaen. Twelve RCO students, led by RCO tutor Richard Brasier, visited four churches in the center of Paris over several days in June, to play on instruments by the builder Aristide Cavaillé-Coll. Rachel Pickering was one of these students, and she sent us this account of the trip.
Oh, so sixties! – British mid-century composers revisited
The British organ world of the 1960s was shaken up by a generation of new, iconoclastic composers, and James Parsons leads an RCO class exploring this music in Newcastle, this October, on the Kenneth Tickell organ at St Mary’s RC Cathedral. If you think this music is difficult and daunting, think again – James has approachable and engaging suggestions of repertoire for the class for you to explore.
Organ wizardry for all ages at OrganFest 2019
This year’s OrganFest in Cardiff is offering a perfect opportunity to introduce youngsters to the organ. David Pipe on the organ with John Biddle as narrator, along with Jeremy Sampson, curator of the WOOFYT, present all sorts of wizardry and magic in a concert for the whole family on the morning of Saturday, 7th September.
Organ Scholarships – what to consider, how to prepare
Oundle for Organists, in partnership with the RCO, have published a new series of eight films as a guide for potential organ scholars. Presented by Oundle’s Director, Ann Elise Smoot, they explain how to prepare for organ scholar trials, with practical advice on skills such as improvisation, registration, and score reading from inspiring tutors. All organists wanting to improve their skills will find the films, and the accompanying reading list, helpful.
RCO Journal Volume 12, 2018
The 2018 edition of the College’s annual research publication, The Journal of the Royal College of Organists, can be downloaded here as a complete edition.
The Dutch composer Hendrik Andriessen (1892-1981): his life, career and organ works
A biographical sketch of the Dutch composer Kendrik Andriessen, with a discussion of his organ works.
An introduction to playing styles with Daniel Moult: 5 Franck to Widor
This is the fifth video in Daniel Moult’s series on playing styles, and discusses the performance of the organ music of French Romanticism, from Franck to Widor.
A Guide to Organ Scholarships | 1. An introduction to organ scholarships
Ann Elise Smoot introduces a series of eight films showing what to consider and what to prepare when applying for an organ scholarship, whether at a university, a cathedral, or parish church. A comprehensive reading list is included with the series.
A Guide to Organ Scholarships | 2. What is an organ scholarship?
Ann Elise Smoot discusses the benefits of an organ scholarship with former organ scholars, and asks current Directors of Music what is expected of organ scholars in terms of duties and responsibilities.