Schoolchildren build an organ in Wolverhampton
Ewan Murray is in his final year of organ studies at The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, and recently organised and ran an organ outreach event for local schoolchildren, who enthusiastically engaged in organ-building, organ-playing, composing and singing over two days in St Peter’s Collegiate Church in Wolverhampton.
Improve your conducting skills with top choral trainer David Hill
If, like many organists, you are already leading a choir, but feel diffident about your conducting technique, then join an exceptional RCO choir training workshop coming up in November. David Hill, one of the country’s leading choral trainers, will be directing a day workshop on choral conducting on Saturday 2nd November, in St Mary’s Church in Newark. Experienced choral conductors will have the opportunity to take their conducting skills to the next level, and there are plenty of places for observers.
Oh, so sixties! – British mid-century composers revisited
The British organ world of the 1960s was shaken up by a generation of new, iconoclastic composers, and James Parsons leads an RCO class exploring this music in Newcastle, this October, on the Kenneth Tickell organ at St Mary’s RC Cathedral. If you think this music is difficult and daunting, think again – James has approachable and engaging suggestions of repertoire for the class for you to explore.
Find your ‘bon gout’ on Newcastle University’s new Aubertin organ
Part of the recent £26m restoration of the historic Armstrong Building at Newcastle University was the installation of an organ by Bernard Aubertin in the King’s Hall, one of only three Aubertin instruments in the UK. You are invited to play this instrument on Saturday 27th July, in an RCO class on music of the French Classical era – organists at all playing levels are welcome to attend.
Building choir training skills in the East Midlands – a New Year workshop
If your New Year resolutions are likely to include improving your conducting or choral training skills, then book now for a workshop coming up in early February. Conductors with wide experience or with none are invited to spend a day with David Hill, Musical Director of The Bach Choir and former Chief Conductor of the BBC Singers, at an RCO choir training workshop on Saturday 2nd February 2019.
A helping hand for the village organist
The RCO is running a Village Organists’ Workshop in September, for all those parish musicians working in small churches who would like access to support and advice. The workshop welcomes pianists who would like to try the organ under expert guidance, as well as more experienced parish organists who would like to try a larger instrument than usual. It will be held in the glorious setting of the northern Lake District, at St Kentigern’s Church.
Hymn Playing – a Masterclass with Simon Williams
Simon Williams presents a masterclass in hymn playing at the organ of the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, Suffolk. He advises on registration, playovers and console management for hymns, how to match your hymn playing to the organ and the acoustic, and how to encourage confident singing from the congregation.
Raising the profile in Derry-Londonderry
The College was a partner in the inaugural Guildhall Organ Festival in Derry-Londonderry at the end of October. A packed programme over three days was led by artistic director Catherine Ennis, supported by Daniel Moult, using the three-manual Hill organ in the Guildhall as the centrepiece, and included workshops, concerts, music for traditional Irish instruments with the organ, and a Battle of the Organs, featuring Sir Roger Gifford on recorder.
Pipes and frets – bridging the gap between worship styles
The Royal School of Church Music is running a workshop to give church musicians the chance to bridge the gap between worship styles and find ways of combining organ and band in church music. It includes practical teaching and the opportunity to work with a live band, and will be held at St Michael’s Chester Square, in London, on 4 November 2017.