An eminent Edwardian: Sidney Scholfield Campbell (1909-74)

Sidney Campbell was appointed Organist of St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, in 1961, and went to considerable lengths to ensure the Harrison & Harrison organ there met his exacting criteria.  Relf Clark studied with Campbell at St George’s, and gives an outline of Campbell’s career and achievements.

Searching fantasy: Froberger’s fantasias and ricercars four centuries on

Given Johann Jacob Froberger’s significance in the written history of music, it is surprising how little of his music is regularly played or known today. The 400th anniversary of Froberger’s birth presented an ideal opportunity for Terence Charlston to reassess current trends and to enhance the diversity and presence of Froberger’s music within our performance culture.

Finding the best – a scholarship for senior organists

Applications are invited from senior organ students, or organists in the early stages of their professional careers, for the W T Best Memorial Scholarship, worth £,4000 for up to 3 years. Auditions are scheduled for 23rd February 2017, with a closing date for applications of 5pm on 20th January 2017.

In search of nightingales – the diary of Elizabeth Campbell

In 1927, Elizabeth Campbell travelled to England from her home in Melbourne, Australia, to study organ and conducting at the Royal College of Music in London with Henry Ley. She became one of Australia’s leading organists, but always dreamed of going back to London. In 1933 her dream came true and she was invited back by the RCM as part of their Jubilee Celebrations. She kept a diary of this remarkable year’s visit, which survived, and has been transcribed and published by Robert Cox, a close friend of her family.

Throw off your cassock, and meet the mighty Wurlitzer

The RCO throws off its cassock and surplice, and slips into something a little more glamorous, for the 2017 RCO Organ Forum: a toe-tapping day of light organ music with the Cinema Organ Society on Saturday 7 January – the first time the respective worlds of the classical and theatre organ have come together for study and discussion.

A life-changer for two young composers

Two young RCO members are carving out careers for themselves as composers, alongside their organ playing. Both Matthew Kelley and Tammas Slater won in the junior category the BBC Proms Inspire Young Composers competition in 2015, and for both of them this has been a life-changer, leading to a series of further commissions.

Attention teenage organists! – London Organ Competition deadline 10 November

There’s just a week left for teenage organists to enter the competition which takes place on Thursday 29 December, organised by the Organ Club, for cash prizes and opportunities for recitals. Prizewinners also gain free entry into the Northern Ireland International Organ Competition – which is co-organiser of this event. The deadline for entry is Thursday 10 November – so no time to lose!