Organists in Business: Career Options (Teaching)
This is the second in a series of four video sets covering the professional, business & career skills required to any organist looking to start, build or change their career.
This Career Options (Teaching) sequence comprises presentations on: teaching the organ; teaching in conservatoires; and teaching in the independent sector.
Recruiting (and keeping) organ students
This download summarises the issues you need to consider before you launch yourself as an organ teacher, and how to keep and motivate your students.
RCO Journal Volume 9, 2015
The 2015 edition of the College’s annual research publication, The Journal of the Royal College of Organists, can be downloaded here as a complete edition.
The solo organ works of Judith Bingham
Judith Bingham’s contribution to the solo organ repertoire spans some forty years, and organ writing has been a constant feature of Bingham’s compositional activity. This survey from Stephen Farr examines this important oeuvre from several performance related perspectives.
A cruel reversal of fortune? Peter Racine Fricker and the perils of pan-Atlanticism
Richard Moore provides a catalogue of Peter Racine Fricker’s organ works, and discusses why he fell out of favour in the 1970s, in spite of writing prolifically until his death in 1990.
The influence of the American Classic Organ on Ralph Downes and on the organ of the Royal Festival Hall
Ralph Downes was strongly influenced by his experience at the London Oratory and time spent in Holland and France, when it came to designing the revolutionary Royal Festival Hall organ. Jonathan Ambrosino suggests that the seven years Downes spent in the United States could also have influenced his ideas – in particular his friendship with G Donald Harrison of Aeolian-Skinner.
Max Reger as ‘Master Organist’? What we think and what we know
Christopher Anderson discusses perceptions of Max Reger as an organist rather than composer, and the layers of assumptions which grew around the composer during his lifetime as to his status as organ virtuoso.
Musical influences on the young J S Bach
Tom Wilkinson considers the surviving early keyboard works of J S Bach, and suggests that his codification of tonal harmony, and his ability to employ it at the service of structure, began back in his teenage years.
Croydon Minster hymnathon: non-stop through the New English Hymnal for the organ appeal
Croydon Minster is inviting all Choirmasters and Music Directors to join them in their Hymnathon on 1st and 2nd July, when they will be singing non-stop through the entire New English Hymnal, to support the organ appeal.