An introduction to choral accompaniment
Simon Mercer explains how to approach the rewarding activity of accompanying a choir, on both the piano and the organ. He discusses mental preparation, rehearsal skills and registration, using anthems by Wesley and Bainton as examples.
Accompanying Plainchant with William Dore
In this practical guide William Dore, Organist at Ampleforth Abbey, explains the characteristics and traditions of plainchant or plainsong. He discusses notation, and how to create an accompaniment to plainchant, including ideas on rhythm, suitable harmonic progressions, and cadences in keeping with the modality and mood.
Accompanying Anglican Chant with Jeffrey Makinson
The psalms set to Anglican chant are an art form in themselves, and an excellent test of the organist’s skills as accompanist. Jeffrey Makinson, Assistant Director of Music at Lincoln Cathedral, explains how to read pointing, memorise chant, and plan registration schemes.