Teach the Organ Series – Film Summary
RCO Accredited Teacher, Anne Marsden Thomas, has curated a major new series of films for everyone involved in organ teaching. A summary of the series with links to all the films can be found here.
Teach the Organ Series : Teaching Pedal and Manual Technique
Three films presented by Anne Marsden Thomas covering the teaching of pedal and manual technique, including remedies and resources for common problems encountered by organ teachers.
Learning during lockdown : 11 back to the pedalboard
As of last week, organists within the Church of England were allowed access to church buildings again, for organ practice, under new government guidance. So we hope it’s not too optimistic to focus this week on pedalling technique, for organists who may be moving back to a pedalboard for the first time in many months; with advice on how to start playing again, and pedals-only music.
Secure Pedalling – exploring the Germani technique with Richard Brasier
In this video, Richard Brasier investigates how Fernando Germani’s Organ Method offers advice on, and exercises for, acquiring a secure and articulate pedal technique. He discusses four key areas of pedal technique – attack and release, foot positioning, ankle flexibility and foot substitution.
An introduction to the Pipe Organ with Andrew Cantrill
This video, written and presented by Andrew Cantrill, is an introduction to the pipe organ for those less familiar with the instrument. Andrew demonstrates the sounds of the organ, how the instrument is constructed, and how it is played. You can learn more by downloading the reading list.
An introduction to pedal technique with Jonathan Bunney
In this video Jonathan Bunney introduces the essentials of developing a pedal technique on the organ, discussing foot position and action, pivoting, and learning to find the notes.
Technique – how to teach it
This download from the RCO Academy covers aspects of teaching technique to students, including posture, pedalling, and playing legato. It addresses bad habits, particularly those that have been acquired initially on the piano, and suggests remedies, and includes a list of books for developing organ technique. Technique how to teach it This article originally appeared […]