Learning during lockdown: 12 resources for organ-only church services

Current guidance from the Church of England allows for the organ to be played for communal church services, which recommenced earlier this month.  However there can be no group singing or chanting while worshippers are present, though a single singer or cantor is permissible.  This month’s Learning during Lockdown explores options for suitable organ music when the staples of the organist’s repertoire—hymns, mass settings, and choral accompaniment— are excluded.

Hands across the pond – the new AGO/RCO affiliation

The College has just announced a new reciprocal agreement with colleagues in the American Guild of Organists, which allows members of either organisation to join the other as affiliate members, and benefit from a range of perks.  We look at the AGO and what it can offer RCO Members, and at other American resources that might be of interest.

RCO NEWS June 2020

The June 2020 edition of RCO News, the College’s bi-annual magazine, can be downloaded by RCO Members here in pdf format.