Learning during lockdown : 7 starting, and diversifying, your career

Regular lessons may have fallen into abeyance during lockdown, and keeping up impetus and engagement in solitude can be difficult even for the best of us, without some sort of structure.  This week’s Learning during Lockdown looks at ways in which beginner and developing organists can gain inspiration and keep engaged through the structure of the RCO’s early qualifications, up to CRCO.  Established organists might like to use the enforced thinking time of lockdown to imagine how they could diversify their careers, and we have some suggestions.

Learning during lockdown : 5 increase your repertoire

This week’s Learning During Lockdown is a helping hand towards discovering new repertoire, whether you have access to a practice instrument, or are simply looking for inspiration for the future.  On iRCO we have films from specialists in many specific areas of organ repertoire, explaining the elements of style, fingering and pedalling for the different periods. We also have suggestions for music transcribed for organ, with examples and sources.

Learning during lockdown : 4 practice techniques

Practice techniques, for organists at all levels, are explored in this week’s Learning during Lockdown, including exercises at the piano for those unable to access an organ. We also look at the nature of virtuoso playing, from practical exercises to inspirational recordings and films.

Learning during lockdown: 3 working on improvisation

This week’s Learning during Lockdown focusses on improvisation, a skill all organists are encouraged to acquire, and which is expected, at some level, in most organ examinations.   Here on iRCO you can find films demonstrating improvisation skills for organists at every stage, from total beginner to FRCO. 

Learning during lockdown: 2 teaching online

Maintaining a livelihood during the Covid-19 pandemic is a serious matter, particularly for freelance musicians, and many are looking at the possibilities of going online, either to maintain an existing teaching portfolio, or to start teaching for the first time.  iRCO has resources for all organ teachers, and advice from a teacher experienced in teaching the organ online.