150 Years of the (Royal) College of Organists
A history of the development of the Royal College of Organists, with notes on the development of the RCO Library.
An introduction to playing styles with Daniel Moult: 1 Byrd to Purcell
Written and presented by Daniel Moult, these are the first in a series of videos introduces the main stylistic areas of five significant organ schools, with discussion of the more contentious & lesser known aspects of these periods.
Here, an introduction to the series is followed by a discussion of the playing style for the early English School, from Byrd to Purcell.
Conferment of Diplomas 2015 | watch in full or highlights
The Conferment of Diplomas is the public centrepiece of the Royal College of Organists’ year. In 2015 it was held in Southwark Cathedral, London, and you can watch a video of the proceedings here.
Beyond the printed edition – a commentary on Buxtehude’s organ music by Geoffrey Webber (Members only download)
Geoffrey Webber’s extensive commentary on the current editions of Buxtehude’s organ music was published to mark the Buxtehude Tercentenary year in 2007. The aim of this resource is to allow players to move beyond having to rely on any one edition, and to make their own informed decisions about the textual problems.
Theophania Cecil – Twelve Voluntaries – a digital edition (Members only download)
The copy used for this digital edition comes from the RCO Library, and is part of the RCO’s on-going project to digitise and publish online its collection of rare eighteenth and early nineteenth century music. You can read more on the edition used, and also a little more on Theophania Cecil’s life and music, below, in an article by Andrew McCrea and RCO Librarian Frances Pond.
Conferment of Diplomas 2013 | report
The Conferment of Diplomas is the public centrepiece of the Royal College of Organists’ year. In 2013 it was held in Southwark Cathedral, London.
Conferment of Diplomas 2014 | report
The Conferment of Diplomas is the public centrepiece of the Royal College of Organists’ year. In 2014 it was held in Southwark Cathedral, London.
The RCO Library: its history and development
The College’s library is as old as the College. From modest beginnings it has grown over the years into a library of great distinction, whose comprehensive specialist holdings of organ and choral music and books are known across the world.
RCO Journal Volume 7, 2013
The Journal of the Royal College of Organists is the College’s annual research publication, and the 2013 edition can be downloaded below.