Teaching the organ online
RCO-accredited teacher Robin Harrison writes from his own experience of teaching the organ online, discussing safe-guarding and professionalism, and the pros and cons of different forms of technology.
ABRSM organ examinations teaching notes
The RCO has published a major resource for organ teachers and students involved in or considering the Associated Board of the Royal College of Music’s graded organ examinations.
Organists in Business: Professional & Business Skills
This is the first in a series of four video sets covering the professional, business & career skills required by any organist looking to start, build or change their career.
This Professional & Business video sequence contains presentations on: career options & relevant business skills; contracts, rates & legal issues; juggling a portfolio career; and using technology.
Organists in Business: Career Options (Teaching)
This is the second in a series of four video sets covering the professional, business & career skills required to any organist looking to start, build or change their career.
This Career Options (Teaching) sequence comprises presentations on: teaching the organ; teaching in conservatoires; and teaching in the independent sector.
Recruiting (and keeping) organ students
This download summarises the issues you need to consider before you launch yourself as an organ teacher, and how to keep and motivate your students.
Organists in business: learning the skills for a successful career
Bach famously had moments of contention with his employers and colleagues over fees, commissions, teaching schedules, leave of absence. In these respects at least, it seems that nothing much changes.
Working as a professional organist requires additional skills beyond musicianship, so the RCO has organised a one-day Organists in Business conference in June to provide business skills and career advice to organists at all levels.
Safeguarding and Child Protection – key issues
In March 2014, our partners at the Incorporated Society for Musicians presented a webinar for ISM members entitled Key Issues in Safeguarding and Child Protection. The webinar, presented by ISM Head of Legal In March 2014 David Abrahams, addressed some common issues that musicians who work with under 18s should be aware of.
Teaching students to sight-read
The ability to sight-read is enormously useful, but many teachers find it difficult to include in their lessons. This download from the RCO Academy aims to help teach this subject by suggesting resources, preparation techniques, and how to overcome students’ resistance to sight reading.
I’m so glad I came! – finding their feet in Bristol
by James Parsons ‘Amazing’ – ‘brilliant’ – ‘such fun’ – ‘I’m so glad I came’ Emily Keeling-Paglia (age 11) texts home from Bristol. She was on the RCO Academy’s Find Your Feet! and Build Your Skills! in Bristol along with 14 other young musicians who had decided to spend three days of their October half-term last […]