Teaching students to sight-read
The ability to sight-read is enormously useful, but many teachers find it difficult to include in their lessons. This download from the RCO Academy aims to help teach this subject by suggesting resources, preparation techniques, and how to overcome students’ resistance to sight reading.
An introduction to playing styles with Daniel Moult: 3 The North German Praeludium
Daniel Moult’s third video on the playing styles for different organ schools covers the North German Praeludium and Fuga.
Building a repertoire with Gerdi Troskie
Gerdi Troskie gives an overview of manageable repertoire for the beginner, including music for manuals only as well as manuals and pedals.
Developing your hymn playing with Daniel Moult
In this second video on hymn playing, Daniel Moult considers advanced techniques such as ways to decorate a hymn, reharmonisations and hymn extensions.
An introduction to pedal technique with Jonathan Bunney
In this video Jonathan Bunney introduces the essentials of developing a pedal technique on the organ, discussing foot position and action, pivoting, and learning to find the notes.
An introduction to playing styles with Daniel Moult: 2 French Baroque
In this second video on playing styles, Daniel Moult discusses style and performance practice for the French Baroque school.
An introduction to hymn playing with Daniel Moult
In this video Daniel Moult explains the basics of hymn playing, from learning the notes, touch, registration, articulation, through to building up to performance.
An introduction to playing styles with Daniel Moult: 1 Byrd to Purcell
Written and presented by Daniel Moult, these are the first in a series of videos introduces the main stylistic areas of five significant organ schools, with discussion of the more contentious & lesser known aspects of these periods.
Here, an introduction to the series is followed by a discussion of the playing style for the early English School, from Byrd to Purcell.
The RCO Academy Summer Course
Develop your skills on the ‘big course with the personal touch’ – the RCO’s flagship summer course which lasts for six days and is based in the heart of the historic City of London. This film provides insight into the course, which caters for organists of all levels and aspirations.