Charles Burney – the Six Cornet Pieces in digital edition (Members only download)
The RCO’s Library contains many examples of printed music from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and a series of digitised editions has been launched to highlight this area of the collection, in order to bring to light often rare material that is not readily available in either printed or electronic formats. This includes the Six Cornet Pieces by the renowned Dr Charles Burney (1726–1814).
Charles Burney – the Six Cornet Pieces in digital edition: an introduction
The RCO’s Library contains many examples of printed music from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and a series of digitised editions has been launched to highlight this area of the collection: this includes the Six Cornet Pieces by the renowned Dr Charles Burney (1726–1814).
Theophania Cecil – Twelve Voluntaries – a digital edition
Little is known of Theophania Cecil’s musical life and career, but her Twelve Voluntaries are stylistically very much of their time, with their suggested publication date of 1810.
I’m so glad I came! – finding their feet in Bristol
by James Parsons ‘Amazing’ – ‘brilliant’ – ‘such fun’ – ‘I’m so glad I came’ Emily Keeling-Paglia (age 11) texts home from Bristol. She was on the RCO Academy’s Find Your Feet! and Build Your Skills! in Bristol along with 14 other young musicians who had decided to spend three days of their October half-term last […]
It’s not too late – organ scholarships for all
by Simon Williams Oxford University’s Access and Outreach promoted the Organ Scholarships for All day on 3 November 2015 to show that organ scholarships can be within reach even for those teenagers who come to organ playing relatively late in the school days, and to raise awareness of organ scholarships in general among state schools. Hosted […]
The soundtrack to our lives – organists’ Bowie tributes go viral
by Morwenna Brett As the RCO has said many times before, no other instrument seems quite able to embrace and sum up the public mood like the organ. At moments of high emotion, whether personal or public, the organ speaks in a way few instruments can. The death of David Bowie on Sunday 10th January saddened […]
A short history of the Royal College of Organists
A downloadable short history of the Royal College of Organists, written by Andrew McCrea in 2014 to mark the College’s 150th anniversary.
Organists’ fees – employed organists and directors of music
There are a number of published resources available to guide organists and employers with reference to fees for regular and special services in places of worship.
An introduction to hymn playing with Daniel Moult
In this video Daniel Moult explains the basics of hymn playing, from learning the notes, touch, registration, articulation, through to building up to performance.